▪ atelierhaus-baerl.de ▪ © by Sigrid
Beuting |
Beuting, as a visual artist, combines Painting/Drawing/Collage in an
interdisciplinary way with Sculpture/Relief/Object in order to receive
Assemblages, Space-Installations and Performances. In connection with
Dance, Music and in cooperation with international visual artists she
creates Art Proje
Sigrid Beuting, Bildende
Künstlerin, verbindet in interdisziplinärer Weise
Malerei /Zeichnung /Collage mit Skulptur /Relief /Objekt zu Assemblagen,
Raum-Installationen sowie Performances und schafft in der Begegnung mit
Tanz, Musik und internationalen Bildenden Künstlern Kunstprojekte mit
sparten-und grenzenüberwindendem Charakter. Sie unterrichtete als
Lehrbeauftragte für Kunst an der Universität Duisburg sowie bis heute an
verschiedenen Bildungsinstitutionen Menschen aller Altersgruppen.
Stipendien, Kunstpreise, internationale Ausstellungen, Publikationen. |
Beuting, as a visual artist, combines Painting/Drawing/Collage in an
interdisciplinary way with Sculpture/Relief/Object in order to receive
Assemblages, Space-Installations and Performances. In connection with
Dance, Music and in cooperation with international visual artists she
creates Art Projects across the fields and borders. She gave lectures on
Art at the University of Duisburg and still does at various educational
institutions for people of all ages. Several scholarships, Art Awards,
international exhibitions, publications.
Sigrid Beuting, as a visual
artist, combines Painting/Drawing/Collage in an interdisciplinary way
with Sculpture /Relief /Object in order to receive Assemblages,
Space-Installations and Performances. In connection with Dance, Music
and in cooperation with international visual artists she creates Art
Projects across the fields and borders. She gave lectures on Art at the
University of Duisburg and still does at various educational
institutions for people of all ages. Several scholarships, Art Awards,
international exhibitions, publications. |